Maldon Constituency Conservative Association congratulate Cllr Penny Channer on her appointment as Leader of Maldon District Council at the Extraordinary Council meeting held last night.
Councillor Channer says:
"I am humbled to have been given the privilege and honour to have been elected as the Leader of Maldon District Council.
I will serve the District, all residents and businesses to the best of my abilities.
We are living in challenging times. Since early 2020 Covid has influenced the lives of all in how we live and work.
I am hoping 2022 may be a brighter year and going forward we need to be positive and proactive, recognising the challenges that remain and those ahead.
Through continued working, in partnership with our communities, businesses, health services, volunteers and other bodies, the Council will keep delivering valued services for all in our much-loved District.
Promotion of the economy, environment, efficient and effective services are areas of great importance to us all.
The Council has had to be innovative and adopt new ways of working during the challenging times. I intend to ensure that we continue seeking improvement to the delivery of accessible, quality, cost effective and valued services for all. "