Gary Duce, Chairman of South Woodham Ferrers Branch said "We had twenty two members and guests attended and had a very enjoyable evening.Miss Annette Duce Owner of Wine Net Ltd informed us about the various wines of the evening. We had a Prosecco from Italy when we arrived which was followed up by a white "Cloudy Wine" from Marlborough in New Zealand, the Rose from France and the Artesa Rioja from Spain, all complementing a delightful four course banquet of Chinese food laid on by Fong and her staff at Yatzen Restuarant."
John Whittingdale OBE MP informed the guests about the proposed new boundary changes, the NHS reforms linked to the local PCT problems in South Woodham that Doctors have been facing, and the Coastal management schemes as seen at Wallasey Island.
The event was also attend by Maureen Moulds, Patricia Hughes, Bob Denston and Bob Massey Chelmsford Borough Councillors and Adrian Fluker a Maldon District Councillor and Deputy Chairman for fundraising for MCCA. (Maldon Constituency Conservative Association)